And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works

-Hebrew 10:24

The following distinctives make up our worship service that are designed to honor God:

Intentional Prayer

We believe in having set aside time of intentional prayer together as a faith family. 

Worship Through Giving

We believe one worthy response to God giving us salvation, is to graciously give of our finances
in an effort to support ministries that will make disciples who make disciples in our homes,
communities and the nations. Whether you give in person or online, we have set aside a time in
our services where we pray over all the gifts given to our church.

Doctrinally Rich Songs

We believe to worship in spirit and truth, we should sing songs that are rooted in the truths of Scripture.

Expositional Preaching

We believe in text-driven, expositional preaching. Our aim is to explain the text, illustrate the text, and then apply the text.

Public Reading of Scripture

The public reading of God's Word was a common practice in both the Old and New Testament. We continue this practice each week as we read and pray through the Word together.

Fellowship for the Purpose of Discipleship

As we gather our aim is to see believers discipled and duplicated.